Ling Cher Eng 林子影

Ling Cher Eng 林子影

Ling Cher Eng was an art teacher and a well known artist in Singapore. His passion in art, especially in Chinese ink paintings and calligraphy prompted him to be active in art circle for decades. He was an industrial protege of Singapore famous pioneer artist Mr Fan Changqian. Under strict guidance of late  Mr Fan for more than 30 years, Cher Eng laid a strong foundation in Chinese ink paintings.

During school holidays, Cher Eng would go overseas with close friends in the fine art circles to seek inspiration and materials for his art creation. From the beautiful  landscape, from the physical and mental feeling of the nature and from the dialogue with the scenery, the artist was able to acquire creative ideas and inspiration.   His works demonstrate delicate taste and charm of traditional Chinese ink paintings yet with a strong flavour of everyday life. One could feel the spiritual unity between Man and Nature in his art pieces. This feeling is especially strong in his later works. Cher Eng paid attention to the combination of Chinese and western art. He integrated the western concepts of modern structure and colour into his Chinese ink paintings. In his practice, he intentionally created the spirit of  aesthetic purport of his own style. His works are the manifestation of the modern transformation of traditional Chinese paintings.

Cher Eng was one of the founders of Hwa Han Art Society and a committee member of The Societies of Chinese Artists. He passed away during an overseas trip to China with friends in the fine art circles in Dec 1995. This  exhibition exhibits more than 50 Chinese ink paintings kept by Cher Eng’s family. Through the exhibition, more art lovers can appreciate and learn from the art works.




每遇学校假期,他都会与艺术界好友出国采风写生。摄取山明水秀之景象与灵气,强调物我交融及身心体验,以提高自己创作的心得与灵感。 他的作品颇具中国传统绘画的笔墨意趣和生活气息,又兼有现代绘画之形式感和表现性。尤其在林子影后期创作中,他注重中西方艺术的结合和传统语言的现代性转换,不仅将西方现代的构成与色彩观念融入自己的水墨画实践,还着意于在新的水墨实践尤其笔墨的实验中挖掘真正的属于自己审美的精神旨趣。林子影的水墨画创作及其成果,不仅是对中国绘画传统的积极延续,更是中国画现代变革实践的具体表现。传统的笔墨意韵、现代的形式表现、当代的审美旨趣……在林子影后期的画面中自然地融于一体,构筑出一个墨彩流溢、气韵生动的独特水墨世界。
